Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What Sparked Crayons Matter?

What sparked Crayons Matter?  Many of you know that I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Ghana in 2011 through the inaugural Lilly program called Connecting Hearts Abroad.  Over the past several years, this thought provoking initiative has sent 200 volunteers to countries globally to serve and determine way s that we can improve global health.  It was  through this inspiring volunteer experience at a Hohoe school that I realized the essential need for schools supplies - no child should go without a pack of crayons that they can call their own.  What an amazing spark, right!!

When I consider the amazing Crayons Matter journey that started over two years, I am delighted and humbled by the outpouring of support from all of YOU!  Because of the time, energy, and resources that have been graciously donated to Crayons Matter, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to deliver over 800 backpacks this week to Ghana (826 to be exact!)  I am a true believer in divine intervention, and God continues to bless the mission of this organization.  I can only imagine the smiles on the children's faces when they open up navy blue backpacks filled with crayons, notebooks, pencils, colored pencils, sharpeners, and of course, pieces of art work from children in the United States (North Carolina, South Carolina, Indiana, Florida) !   I want to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone who believed in Crayons Matter from the moment of this "spark" and gave from your hearts to make a difference in the lives of children.  Every backpack is filled with love, and I can hardly wait to share pictures!

Fact: Lilly Charlotte District traveled all the way to Greensboro in December to assemble backpacks - what a remarkable Lilly Day of Service! 

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